The time & date in Clark, Philippines is


Clark Freeport offers a rich selection of accommodations ranging from your run-of-the-mill hotels to casino-based hotels, golf resorts and the laidback suburban inn-on-a-country-park kind of resorts. Almost all the hotels and resorts are clustered within a 2km radius of Clark’s Central Business District marked by the row of duty-free shopping malls leading to the Clark Centennial Expo.

Room rates are quite attractive ranging from US$50 for hostel-class rooms, $100 for standard hotel and resort rooms upwards towards $150 for resort-class properties that offer interesting ambience and/or amenities.

High seasons are from November to June. Discounts and special deals are often available during the rainy months of July through October. February sees the famous Hot Air Balloon festival. During that week, it is nearly impossible to find vacancy unless one books well in advance.

For information about hotels and resorts in Clark or assistance in making a booking for accommodation or functions/events, contact us here

Click here for recommended Hotels and Resort in and around Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines

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